Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"The Rough Theater"

The “Rough Theater” is relevant to our work in 6x1. This is a short semester, so we have to move quickly to get our projects ready. This means a constant exercise in “creativity through constraints.” Compromises and mistakes are inevitable, but those things make our works more personal and fulfilling. I’m taking a class this session in short French cinema. In one of our readings, film historian Conn Holohan emphasizes the importance of constraints and minimization. The ambiguous and imperfect qualities of short films generate a “world unseen” and in that realm emerges the author. The dirt and grit of our works is more personal than meticulously constructed art.

The indie scene is moving to 4k resolution and high dynamic range. It’s impossible for me to try and keep up with the ever-changing standards. I can’t afford new cameras or strong enough computer cards. Spending time and money on tech would lead to creative stagnation. There are already enough tools in the toolbox that I need to discover through experimentation.  It’s better for me to embrace an “imperfect” aesthetic in my films. I can explore alternative avenues of artistic expression to improve myself as an artist.

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